Share information
Share facts
EAM Solar is a Norwegian public limited liability company (ASA), established under Norwegian law and with its tax residency in Norway.
The company was listed at Oslo Axess in March 2013 under the symbol EAM. More information about the EAM Solar share, can be found HERE.
EAM Solar has one class of shares, which all carry the same rights.
Facts about EAM Solar:
Company: EAM Solar ASA
Organisation number: 996 411 265
Dronningen 1
0287 Oslo
Tel.+47 24 11 57 96
Ticker: EAM
CEO: Viktor E. Jakobsen
Independent auditors: Ernst & Young AS
ISIN: NO0010607781
Registar & auditor
If you have any questions regarding your holding of shares in EAM Solar, please contact our registrar:
Issuer services
Stranden 21
N-0021 Oslo
Tel.: +47 2326 8017
Fax: +47 2248 2898
EAM Solar is audited by:
Ernst & Young AS
PO Box 20, Oslo Atrium
Dronning Eufemias gate 6
0051 Oslo
Share performance
EAM Solar’s share performance on the Oslo Stock Exchange
Primary insiders
Companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange have an obligation to keep an updated list of primary insiders.
Please find an overview of primary insiders in EAM Solar on the Oslo Børs web site.
Mandatory notifications of trade in the EAM Solar share on the Newsweb website.
General meetings
General meetings are convened by the Company’s Board of Directors. A notice of a general meeting shall be sent at the latest 21 days before the date of the meeting, and shall include a proposal for an agenda for the meeting. A shareholder is entitled to submit proposals to be discussed at general meetings provided, such proposals are to be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors in good time so that they can be entered in the agenda of the meeting. The Company’s Articles of Association do not contain any notice requirements for attending a general meeting.
The ordinary general meeting shall be held within six months from the end of each financial year. The ordinary general meeting shall deal with and decide on the approval of the annual financial statement and directors’ report, including the distribution of any dividend, and such other matters as may be set out in the notice of the meeting.
Extraordinary general meetings can be called by the Board of Directors. In addition, the Board of Directors may call an extraordinary general meeting whenever so demanded in writing by the auditor or shareholders, representing at least 5 percent of the share capital, in order to deal with a specific subject.
Shareholder structure
Total number of share: | 5 070 000 | |
Warrants outstanding: | 179 000 | |
Shareholders | Shares | % |
SUNDT AS | 840 000 | 16,57 |
CANICA AS | 725 000 | 14,30 |
PACTUM AS | 312 500 | 6,16 |
MP PENSJON PK | 228 100 | 4,50 |
DNB LIVSFORSIKRING A | 220 000 | 4,34 |
TOLUMA INVEST AS | 175 000 | 3,45 |
LUDVIG LORENTZEN AS | 152 695 | 3,01 |
ALDEN AS | 146 875 | 2,90 |
AKA AS 110918722874 | 125 000 | 2,47 |
MELLEM NES INVEST AS | 125 000 | 2,47 |
EXTELLUS AS c/o Ludvig Lorentzen | 105 000 | 2,07 |
PARK LANE FAMILY OFF | 100 000 | 1,97 |
AREPO AS | 93 750 | 1,85 |
FLU AS | 62 500 | 1,23 |
SANDEN A/S | 50 000 | 0,99 |
OJN INVEST AS | 50 000 | 0,99 |
TIGERSTADEN AS | 48 599 | 0,96 |
NHO - P665AK JP MORGAN CHASE BANK | 46 000 | 0,91 |
Other shareholders | 1 217 635 | 24,00 |
23 September 2016 |